Covid – Week 2 – week of March 22

We had a good week. We’ve settled into a routine and everyone is mostly happy. I am thankful for our family (both immediate and beyond) and how much we enjoy each other.

Izzy has been a welcome source of entertainment and activity. Her twice daily walks have created a nice block of time in the schedule. Playing with her is a always welcome chore. And sometime she’s the only one who understands you – especially when your parents are frustrating you. Luckily, Izzy seems to have settled in just fine

In other news – Anna got a cool new chair for her room.

We enjoyed some of the warm weather this week and even a faint rainbow one day

We got two helpful packages from our wonderful grandparents. Cookies, workbooks and masks are necessities for any quarantine.

We goofed around, went for a hike, and cleaned the garage

COVID Week 1 – Week of March 15th

Tried to post this last week but something went wrong…

Who would have thought a week ago this is where we would be? We are now home until at least April 17th social distancing, elearning, and working all together.

As soon as we heard the schools were closing we accelerated our plans to get a pup and found Ms. Izzy. She has been a total doll and the best thing to come of this horrible virus.

We also got a trampoline which has been a great outlet for the kids who are missing their friends and normal life. But aren’t we all?

When we first heard that we would be stuck at home we decided we needed to get a puppy. This is Jack and Anna on their first walk with Izzy
Ms Isabel Frances Bailey
Anna and jack doodling with Mo Willem (Izzy is resting her eyes)