COVID – Week 5 – April 12th

The week of April 12th apparently wasn’t that exciting because I have almost no photos of what we did. Its almost like it didn’t happen…

I am horrible at doing Anna’s hair, so during quarantine I’ve been working on my skills. Apparently Anna is so bored that she is letting me do it most mornings.

Izzy continues to be cute.

We ended the week with Jack’s 9th bday!! We had a nice day. We went on a bike ride, had a picnic, had some zoom calls with family, and of course presents.

Anna got Nana’s copy of Alice in Wonderland! She is in heaven. We are currently reading it before bed and, man, it’s strange.

I forgot to share last week Anna’s sewing work. She has been wanting to sew for a while and we finally have time to do it!! She cut out felt pieces and then used the sewing machine to piece them together. In the end she made a small quilt one for herself and an even smaller one for Izzy. 


And that’s it!

COVID – Week 4 – April 5th


Week 4 – One month in!

It was Spring Break which meant no eLearning. It was kind of nice to have the break in the schedule. We filled the time playing with Izzy, getting outside, and doing crafts.

If anyone was worried about Jack’s hair – its still looking good. There is talk of a mohawk and requests for hair dye…we will see what quarantine brings…

One afternoon after the sun came out, we made flower crowns for everyone

To continue our Arts & Crafts, we went out to spray paint some of our water guns.  This was very important to Jack and I will say, they look very cool.

We ended the week with s’mores, of course!

One day Spring Break week, our friends set up a cool photo scavenger hunt. One of the things we had to take a photo of was people doing yoga…

But this photo won us second place and $5! Its amazing what some people throw out these days 🙂

Easter was Sunday. Thank goodness Grandma sent a cookie baking kit. The kids loved baking the rainbow colored cookies!

We couldn’t dye eggs (because we couldn’t give up that many eggs) but we set up a scavenger hunt for the kids in the backyard.


Luckily the Easter Bunny was able to raid our ‘rainy day’ toy closet for a couple goodies for baskets for the kids.



And that was Week 4!

COVID – Week 3 – March 29th

What happened last week? Honestly I have no idea. The weeks are starting to run together and it feels like a mix of vacation and something else…

Week 3 was was the beginning of new e-learning for the kids. Rather than reviewing material they had already learned,  they started covering new things. The step up in content was definitely felt by all. By the end of the week we had adjusted just in time for spring break😜

So what did we do…

April Fools’ Day was a big hit with this being the first year the kids are really into it.

The kids decided to make a giant octopus and put it in Brian’s office because he claims he is deathly afraid of them.  The red, orange and yellow octopus with a soccer ball head was amazing and dear and made everyone smile. 

Love to everyone!